Didn't get up to much this morning, played FM07 until Wingedangel got in from college, we then decided what to do today, the plans are as followed:
Exp bsts with Wingy and Nimy.ENM75 for Hagun
We were easily killing mobs and getting chain 5, with no downtime whatsoever. After about 20mins we all dinged 41 and Nimlith got refresh, this made things even faster.
Nimlith died about half way through, which stopped us a bit. We tried to get him raised but he had to HP. >( He also DC'd on his way back to camp thus making us waste more time. We started killing again, but it's slower. Only getting 100-170 exp a fight, instead of the 200-300 we were getting to begin with. Still it's a lot quicker than all other camps and things are dying quickly. It's really easy and relaxing too. :D Me and Wingy didn't have Sigil so were getting a bit less exp than Nim. So much that he could die and HP, not use Empress Band and still ding 2k before us. The bastard. D: Gonna be a sloww crawl to 43 when he dings. Oh well, it's fun. :D
A special pixie picture. O: Which Cure IV'd us when we needed but wouldn't raise Nimlith, the whore. >(
We're gonna stop and ENM when we're all 43. :D Try and get us a Hagun for Wingy and Nimy's sams. At 2mil, we don't want to buy it. ;(
Ding! 43. On with the spriners boots and off I run towards Southern Sandy in the past. O: Change to blm and warp.
Watch wingy do a couple of crafts whilst waiting for Nimy to get back from afk, then head out towards Attohwa. Get a tele from the same porter we got earlier, she's taken 9k from me today. ;( Oh well. :p
Nimlith's a bit late so me and wingy are stood around. ;( (looking sexy ofc, here we are O:)
Half way up the mountain, Nim falls off. ;( (always nim) So I wait, he then DC's near the top. D<
Here we are on top of the mountain. :D
After a lot of concentration, running around and me popping him 3/3 times we won. :D Hurray us.
We'll get that hagun one day. ;( 2.5k exp though from it, it helps towards buffer, so it's not all bad. 0/3 or 4 now. D: It's a pity you can only do it once every 5 days though. Still, it was easy. :D
Time to hit the past and try to get this next quest done. ;( Gogo nighttime ninja boots and quickening ftw O: +37% movement speed. After buying a gnole claw and running through Vunkerl Inlet, I got a key item I needed. Got a retrace back to Bastok and finished the quest for 10k back. O:
I then decided to start campaign, see what all the fuss was about. It's not that great tbh, it's kinda fun and easy to do. Easy way to make a bit of exp if you've nothing better going on.