Plans for today include:
Help Wingedangel get a BLM buffer.Level Woodworking.Do Dynamis-Xarcabard.Exp BST if I get the time.
So, getting Wingy and Fay(RL mum) a buff at Puddings in Mount Zhayolm, got a good group but distractions and other people soloing makes us not do as well as we could. Some fucker called Amrod just won't move camp so we can exp properly, he has to exp right where we want to, ruining chains. He could always just move to princes, but no. D: /emo
After this, we decided we had enough time between then and Dyna to exp bsts for a bit, it all went tits up but we dinged 40. :D Things started to get quicker then. Were fighting with Soldier Crawlers against Goblin Poachers and Robbers in Yuhtunga Jungles, the robbers are gay due their high evasion 'cause they're thieves. Poachers were really easy, but we kept getting links and such. But that's the fun of bst, death and experimentation.
Well, we finished there in time to get geared for our linkshell's first Dynamis Xarcabard run. Gather at 5:30 and aim to enter for 6:00 BST. We gather and sort out the parties to have tank/blm/dd parties, and alliance up. We give out main commands and enter. We managed to do the first pull wrong. xD And we wiped. This happens periodically throughout our Dyna until we get to the first NM pull, we did the TE just north of the RDM/BRD/WAR NM spot without any trouble. We managed to fuck up all three snipes of the eyes. ;( However after the blms reraised and killed them, we managed to team up the plds with a rdm and whm each so they don't die whilst we are killing the others. We kill all three of the NMs with minimal deaths which was nice :D None of them dropped their af though. After we raised up, we moved to the next set of NMs, and decided to sac pull them due to the trouble we had sniping last time, and the lack of time remaining we had. The sac pull went kind of wrong, as the NIN didn't come due to the PLD linking, but we got the BLM and DRK mobs, and 3 lesser mobs which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. ;) We kill the BLM first which dies quickly due to it's low evasion and defence.
O:We wern't expecting this. My mum's character Fayizma, is BLM and had this commented. I wished her luck and waited for the three lotters to lot. O: /anticipation
I was certain the third person ws going to outlot Fay at this point. ;(
O: She won with a lot of 264. :D I was mega, mega happy for her as she deserves it over all the other lotters in linkshell imo. :Da
So the five minutes pass and:
From there we killed the DRK nm, which didn't drop (just as well as we had no drk70+'s in the zone). We also killed the brd and two warriors that were left over.
O:! A drop from a normal mob! Unheard of. Luckily someone was commenting mnk, so they lotted, everyone else passed and they got. :D
Congratulations to Kinip on their shiny new Melee Crown! Yay!
So all in all, even though it was a trial run. We got two pieces of AF so it wasn't a complete waste. :D Congratulations to Fayizma(mummy!) and Kinip! on their newly aquired Xarc AF.
Also congratulations to CtrlAltElite Fairy Server Dynamis Linkshell for taking our first steps inside Xarcabard as a linkshell, I'm proud of us. Let's grow from here. :D Sucks that the Ninja AF didn't drop, I want it. :( Oh well, it was a fun experience for our shell, and we learned a lot. :D Back there again on Tuesday! We'll be ready!
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