Friday, 4 April 2008

So, let's start.

So, due to friends Wingedangel and Nimlith deciding to blog. They convinced me to start one as I like writing and I don't have much to do usually. Well, here it is. I'm Fyrestorm from Fairy server on Final Fantasy XI. If you don't hold any interest in the game, it'll be worthless reading any farther. I've been playing the game for a while now, too long in fact. I do all type of things in game, most things will get noted here. Stupid things like sitting around in Whitegate is pretty boring, so I wont mention that.

What I plan on doing today:

  • Leveling Dark Knight
  • ENM50 - Pulling the Plug
  • Doing some Hauby crafts.
  • Leveling woodworking

So first of all, today I guess. Was working all day so couldn't do much, been leveling DRK with Wingedangel's SCH since she got in from College, it's a pretty crap party but fun nonetheless. Had a few deaths and changed camp, ended up in Eastern Altepa Desert. It's a good setup but we just don't kill fast enough, our thf is pretty retarded though which doesn't help at all. Dinged 34 and left as Winged has to go at 9. ;( Getting ready to start the Hauby Crafts, need to do some other crafts for mats before I start. Using a friend's character who doesn't play any more really. Called Whippinboy. Wish me luck. :D

0/2 so far. Getting some more materials and going to try again.

Oh well, 0/3. Better luck next time. <: Now onto my next task! Going to do ENM50 - Pulling the Plug in Promy-Vahzl. We duo it for Toreador's Ring. I want it for my melee jobs. Me on WHM/BLM and Nimlith on SAM/DRG. We can duo it easily, this time I'm taking Wingedangel's BLM for a buffer, gives 3k exp :D So, we get there and me and wingedangel both enter fine. Nimlith, he cant. ;( He forgot the key item. If you read Nim or Wingy's blog about CoP 2-5 yesterday, you'll know he's the person who always fucks things up. D:

However, we have another plan! I'll take Darken as PLD50 to try and replace the whm. It's foolproof and cannot fail... Well, I guess it can. However, we may as well try.

I died taking Darken down the lift. ;( Fucking IT Thousand Eyes. >(

Got there, entered and WON. A lot easier than whm + sam, like we usually do.

No good drops, but hey. Better than nothing. You never know until you try. :D

So, Nimlith and I decided to head to Phomiuma Aqueducts to get some subligards, we're all BSTs. 2-hr a oil slick and let it go crazy on Fomor.

So far we are:

  • 0/5 Dragoon
  • 0/4 Beastmaster
  • 0/2 Thief
  • 0/2 Ninja
  • 0/1 Ranger
I killed Winged by forgetting about blood aggro, and two fomor were close. >( Unlucky really. Shit happens. It's a shame no drops, but had no TH. D:

Anyway, it's late and I'm dead tired. Will post tomorrow. O: Cugaiz.